The Thailand Research Fund (TRF)

The Thailand Research Fund is a government-supported organisation tasked with researching into ways in which Thailand’s economic development can be fostered at a local level. Community-based tourism has been identified as a very effective way of stimulating local economies in rural areas and it is now looking into how CBT can be successfully developed in Thailand so as to bring benefit to the country’s rural communities.


The Thailand Research Fund is a government-supported organisation tasked with researching into ways in which Thailand’s economic development can be fostered at a local level. Community-based tourism has been identified as a very effective way of stimulating local economies in rural areas and it is now looking into how CBT can be successfully developed in Thailand so as to bring benefit to the country’s rural communities.


To further this aim, TRF has joined forces with private-sector tour companies which share the same goal. By combining the research and academic resources of the TRF with the practical experience and knowledge of tour operators, accommodation providers and others, progress can be more rapid and success better guaranteed.


All the private sector stakeholders have been chosen for their well-established dedication to Responsible Tourism, which is essential for the long-term success of the project and for their strong support for community-based tourism.


To facilitate cooperation between all the stakeholders, the Thailand Responsible Tourism Association (TRTA) was formed and its function is to coordinate all the members’ activities and ensure that the available resources are properly focused on where the greatest benefits may be achieved.

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